Partnership Opportunities for

universities & colleges

CIEL as a Study Abroad Provider for Campus Partners

Colleges and universities can utilize CIEL’s expertise as an experienced and recognized study-abroad provider to offer their students and faculty a comprehensive ‘turn-key’ educational experience in conflict-affected regions which utilizes CIEL’s unique holistic model of experiential learning in partnership with our longstanding and ethical relationships with established local regional contacts, speakers and security consultants. As a not-for-profit organization, CIEL offers these study abroad provider services to students and faculty at a reduced price-point and with all educational and travel expenses included in one transparent rate. Additionally, as CIEL’s experiential learning opportunities are guided in partnership with accredited university and college faculty and contain significant components of rigorous pre-travel education, students have the opportunity to receive up to six upper-division credit hours (in coordination with their home academic institution). Participants will also benefit from the opportunity to travel with faculty and students from CIEL’s different global campus partners from across the US and the UK.As a study abroad provider, CIEL’s ‘turn-key’ educational travel offerings for university and college partners includes:

  • A single reduced and transparent price point for student participants, inclusive of:

    • Airfare to and from the region, local transportation, logistics and security

    • Meals, accommodations and authentic cultural experiences

    • Exclusive access to high-level speakers, local guides, experts and translators

    • Speaker honorariums and site entrance fees

  • Access to CIEL’s Digital Learning Platform

  • Extensive pre-travel integrated education platform featuring carefully tailored curriculum delivered through online asynchronous learning modules

    • Learning modules cover conflict dynamics in divided societies, region specific historical and present day context involving interdisciplinary education on political, economic, religious, cultural and social dynamics, conflict resolution theory and ‘lessons learned’

    • Training in in effective experiential learning skills, active listening, student diplomacy, self-care and best practices in how to constructively hold difficult conversations across divides

  • Highly-trained and experienced CIEL travel leaders

    • 5 to 1 CIEL staff-to-student ratio to ensure tailored student attention and a safe and secure travel environment in conflict-affected regions

    • Arrangements for numerous person-to-person meetings each day utilizing CIEL’s experiential learning model to hear perspectives of various politicians, non-governmental organizations, community leaders, faith leaders, academic experts as well as victims and survivors from all sides

    • Utilization of a mix of learning strategies (including cultural site visits, speaker engagements, journaling activities, individual and group reflection)

    • Selection of diverse student populations from different backgrounds (including students drawn from international campus partners across the United States and the United Kingdom) as part of the travel group to maximize internal opportunities for student-to-student engagement and co-learning

    • Provision of meaningful student leadership and mentorship opportunities in assisting faculty and staff as ‘Day Captains’ and ‘Day Experts’ on a rotating basis as a key component of their participation

  • Access to life-long society of fellow CIEL participants

    • Participation in future CIEL Society travel to other conflict-affected regions

    • Networking, career development and ongoing mentorship opportunities

    • Opportunities for student exchange, internship and research at other CIEL academic partner institutions

    • Collaborating with other CIEL Society members as leaders and change-makers in addressing complex global issues and division and polarization in their own local contexts

Campus Partner Consultancy with CIEL Colleges and universities can also choose to partner with CIEL as a consultant to utilize our extensive expertise on experiential learning and working in conflict-affected regions. Potential opportunities for this kind of consultancy partnership with CIEL include:

  • Seminars and speaking engagements to share best practices on effective experiential learning through training modules and curriculum development for students, university and college leadership and study abroad administrators

  • Assisting university and college faculty to develop their own academically rigorous, ethical and transformative experiential learning opportunities for students

  • Utilizing CIEL’s established working relationships with academic institutions around the world to build intercollegiate linkages for international study abroad and research opportunities

  • Connecting to CIEL’s extensive network of governmental and non-governmental contacts, speakers and logistical and security consultants

Interested in partnering with us?
Reach out if you have any questions or want to learn more.